The Way Out of Busyness


There are always a quadrillion of things to be caught up in our daily lives. Spending a day could often be so fast-paced. It goes like this, people work, work and work, eat, eat and eat, tarry, tarry, and tarry, play, play and play, then ends their day sleeping, and boom it’s all gone!

How On Earth Then Can You Spend Time In GOD?

GOD wants a quality time with you in the secret place. Are you going to give JESUS the golden time or the leftover scraps for HIM? Spending a single day could be just here-and-gone, and another day repeating like this. Below are two ways to overcome this issue:

1. Stop. Think. Rearrange.

If there are anything that steal most of your precious time away from your first love, and turn your focus completely away from your all-in-all in your normal routine, then there’s a very big problem that must be fixed. Sometimes, hard sacrifices are needed to be made.

Here is what you can do; STOP AND DROP EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW; be it washing your clothing, playing your computer game, browsing your I-phone, watching your television show, doing your school work or whatever that is, and TAKE A DEEP BREATH.

Right now, get back into that secret place where you’re used to be, then keep talking to GOD knee-bended in humble submission. HE loves you so much that HE yearns every moment for this moment! HE wants every chance that you got to be spent on speaking to HIM. Our Heavenly Father is on line 24/7, and HE is always there for you!

There is nothing, absolutely nothing in this world that is worth to hinder the priceless relationship between you and GOD. There is no homework or home chore or entertainment more important than JESUS, because HE is our everything. HE is the giver of life, and without HIM we would have been long gone!

2. Starts With JESUS, Continues With JESUS, Ends With JESUS

Is everything you do point to JESUS? Here is a soul-searching time for you to evaluate.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Here are some questions (please don’t mind being too straightforward):

  • Why do you go to school/work?
  • Why do you watch that football game?
  • Why do you eat? (okay, this may sound stupid)

First of all, this is not saying that working, going to school and playing games are prohibited in the bible. This is meant to be purely an evaluation process.

Here is something to think about; why do you go to school or go to work? Is it mainly because you want to earn money? Going to school or going to work truly takes much time away from your day, not even including other things such as eating and doing homework. Therefore, spending time in GOD indeed takes a very good time management. There is a good news that you can make use of the time you have in school or in workplace, and share the gospel of JESUS to those around you, therefore putting your focus back into The LORD!

Definitely, watching a football game is nothing wrong about it, however, consider those around your seat in your spiritual eyes, and see the lost condition of their soul being destined to eternal hell torment. This would be a very good chance to share the gospel to them, and make use of your leisure time for The LORD!

Even though eating is for one’s satisfying of hunger, and enjoyment, as what 1 Corinthians 10:31 said, eating can also be the time of glorying The LORD by giving praises to HIM providing the food. Eating can thus be a form of worship to GOD!

In conclusion, to get out of the limit caused by the busyness of our lives, we should think about our daily lives whether it starts with JESUS, continues with JESUS and ends with JESUS. Therefore, the devil will have no chance to separate you away from GOD!